Cowes Business Association COLOURS

Happy New Year

Well, sort of!!

The news announced on the 30th December wasn’t what we wanted to hear but probably not unexpected if you’ve been following information on the spread of Covid-19.

While many of our businesses are now locked down until further notice many of you have found solutions to continue to serve your customers and keep your businesses going.

In these challenging times it’s great to be part of the Cowes Business Association among the amazing support we can offer each other. If you have any advice or examples that you think could help other business owners on how you’ve kept your business trading it could be invaluable to someone else.

For example:

  • Did you recently go online to start selling?
  • Is there a platform that has worked best for you?
  • If you started ‘Click and Collect’ what works and what doesn’t?
  • Did you need any financial support or advice?
  • Are you looking for a grant to continue to grow your business?

Please share any advice on the Cowes Business Association Facebook page. And if you’re looking for support, while we may not have all the answers, we may know someone who does. Any questions please email and someone will get back to you.

And although we may not be celebrating the New Year quite as we imagined let’s support, encourage and continue to promote our businesses while staying safe.