Cowes Business Association
Supporting Isle of Wight businesses
The Cowes Business Association website is managed by volunteers – business owners and entrepreneurs – to provide support to local businesses, individuals, and organisations in Cowes, East Cowes, Gurnard and Northwood.
Supporting businesses and promoting Cowes as a thriving, resilient, dynamic and prosperous place to live, work and visit.
How do we do this?
As a community; working together we all help each other by sharing our expertise, and knowledge to ensure all our businesses thrive.
Support. Encourage. Promote
We are solely here to support, encourage and promote your business.
- Membership directory – Where you can showcase your business and find sources for services or goods you might be looking for.
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Cowes Business Association Membership
We encourage members to get to know one another, through shared experience and knowledge, businesses can collaborate and increase profitability. The Cowes Business Association website is a business directory solely designed to support this activity.

Business Community
Cowes Business Association is here to support, encourage and promote your business, by connecting you with other like-minded business owners across Cowes, East Cowes, Northwood and Gurnard. We have a vibrant new website with a fully interactive directory.
Register and be a part of this inspiring local business community. We believe that it is in the interests of everyone who lives and works in Cowes, that all local businesses thrive.
And it doesn’t stop
at the Solent!
We pride ourselves in promoting Cowes businesses to whoever needs our members’ services. And we encourage our members to participate fully and support the Cowes Business Association website community by spreading the word whenever they can. Some of our members travel on a regular basis to the mainland and further afield.
It’s in the interests of all our businesses that your business should thrive!
The mission of the Cowes Business Association is to encourage, support and promote all businesses in Cowes